Sean Joe, PhD
Principal Director, Race and Opportunity Lab
Benjamin E. Youngdahl Professor of Social Development, Brown School
2 CEUs
Register here
General Admission: $75
PPN Members: $25*
Price is per session
*HGStL Preferred Provider Network member organizations will receive a discount code that can be applied to all workshops offered through the PPN Training Academy
Suicide rates are increasing among young Black males, but are you prepared to assess, manage, or intervene with such clients? In this professional development seminar, we will explore the state of science regarding identifying, managing, and intervening with client’s suicidal behavior. Suicide is one of the most stress-inducing topics you deal with when working with clients, and most clinicians, staff, or those who work with black males receive little formal training on this important issue.
The learning objectives will result in you gaining confidence in:
- Recognizing suicidal behaviors versus non-suicidal behaviors for Black males
- Case conceptualization and referring black males experiencing suicidal ideation without resorting to unnecessary hospitalization
- Identifying strategies for suicide prevention among Black males from a systemic perspective
- Reviewing the risk-management issues that arise when clients pose an immediate threat of harm to themselves or to others.
- Describing effective strategies for managing suicidal behavior among Black males based on research and evidenced-based practices.
This program has been approved for 2 social work CEUs in the states of Missouri and Illinois. Due to the subject matter, this program may be counted towards either a cultural competency requirement or a suicide prevention requirement. Please note that a licensee may not count the same CEUs toward both requirements.